The No Self, No Problem Workbook: Exercises & Practices from Neuropsychology and Buddhism to Help You Lose Your Mind

“Why are you unhappy? Because 99.9 percent of everything you think, and of everything you do, is for yourself–and there isn’t one.” –Wei Wu Wei

In his bestselling book No Self, No Problem: How Neuropsychology Is Catching Up to Buddhism, Professor Chris Niebauer explored the incredible link between Eastern philosophy and recent findings in neuropsychology, which is now confirming a fundamental tenet of Buddhism: anatta, or the doctrine of “no self.”

We are just beginning to understand these parallels and what they mean for the human experience.

Now, Niebauer takes a deeper dive, offering exercises and practices you can do right now to experience the state of “no self” and its benefits. These include being more present, finding inner peace, and seeing the world through the eyes of what Niebauer calls “clear consciousness.” Read this book, do the practices, and begin to disidentify with the false sense of self that is the root cause of almost all the anxiety, depression, and fear we experience as human beings.

Autor: Chris Niebauer Ph.D.

Editora: Hierophant Publishing

Ano: 2023

Páginas: 192

Tradução: Inglês


Por hoje é só e é só por hoje!

Com amor e luz,

Adriana Zabeo


Autor: Chris Niebauer Ph.D.

Editora: Hierophant Publishing

Ano: 2023

Páginas: 192

Tradução: Inglês

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Adriana Zabeo é pós-graduada em Psicologia Positiva, Life Coach, Mentora de Reprogramação Mental, Reikiana, mas antes de tudo e além de qualquer formação, um Ser que acredita na vida como uma experiência maravilhosa, com infinitas possibilidades de alcançar o bem-estar e prolongá-lo diariamente. Vive o seu propósito de ajudar pessoas a se reconectarem e permanecerem na vibração da felicidade.

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